Academic Publications
A tutor in your back pocket: reflections on the use of iPods and podcasting in an undergraduate popular music programme. British Journal of Music Education. CUP. Cambridge. 2009,Volume 26 issue 01. ISBN/ISSN: 0265-0517
Delivering student feedback in higher education: the role of podcasting. Music, Technology and Education, December 2008, Volume 2+3 ISBN/ISSN: ISSN: 17527066
Podcasts:A Case Study of the use of Podcasting in Curriculum Delivery. INTED 2008, Book of Abstracts, International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 3 – 5 March, Valencia, Spain, IATED. 2008. ISBN/ISSN: 978-84-612-0192-1
Further Details and Full Text Downloads are available from my Research Gate page.
Other Articles and Blogs
The Allure Of Eurovision. University of Wolverhampton Academic Blog. 2013